




海运新闻 物流巴士 2017年12月22日

美国总统轮船宣布,自2018年1月1日起,由亚洲,澳大利亚,东非,中东,新西兰,巴布亚新几内亚,西亚出口至美加(US West Coast/ Group 4 except Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands)航线调整燃油附加费,具体如下:

Dry Container:329USD/20',365USD/40',441USD/40H',462USD/45'

Flat Rack/Open Top/Tank Container:329USD/20',365USD/40'

Refrigerated Container:329USD/20',365USD/40',365USD/40H'

赫伯罗特航运宣布,自2018年1月1日(以启运港收货日为准)起,由东亚出口至美加航线所有货物( dry, reefer, non-operating reefer, flat rack and open-top containers)运价上调GRI,具体如下:

USD 560 per 20' standard container (20’ x 8'6")

USD 700 per 40' standard container (40’ x 8'6")

USD 700 per 40' high cube container (40’ x 9'6")

USD 886 per 45' container (45’ x 9'6")

East Asia is defined as being the countries of Japan, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China (PRC), Macau, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, The Philippines and Russian Pacific Coast Provinces.